Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
But I'm not "fearmongering" ...One bout with botulism, and it'll be over for you...
7.5% mortality rate.
27.5 food related cases per year.
and I don't know of any "one day past expiration" botulism cases involving doritos.
I think it is a little extreme to imply death by botulism without quantifying the risks a bit more. If the point is to scare people out of thinking rationally, sorry but that I would consider
fearmongering, I suspect your comments had their intended effect on most people though (it isn't worth the risk, I don't have to change my thinking, yay, give me any excuse to not change my thinking). However, the probability of your scenario seems exceedingly remote and should have been de-emphasized if it were to be presented fairly.
but do can your stuff @ 250 for at least 3 min (pressure cookers are awesome)