For solar you need to know what your solar window is like where you live, this basicly brakes down to, how many sun hours per day do you average each month of the year, then you subtract your shading, add your BTU's needed of hot water, and you end up with a very good idea on what size of a solar hot water collector you are going to need to keep you happy.
I haven't spent enough time in your part of the country to know who you might have for consutants or installers, but expearince seems to show that unless you spend ALOT of time learning this stuff your self, you are going to spend more money over sizing your system or going back and adding on or fixing mistakes then you would have spent hiring a consultant to spend a few hours look at your land and needs and giving their recomendations on how to make it work so well that it will not only blow your mind but make everyone else who sees it want to fallow in your foot steps.