I probably should have mentioned that I am getting a cap for the back, which I expect will be on about 1/3 of the time. Really, I hall a lot of large things in the truck so a permanent cover would get in the way... of course I guess I'll find out how easy it is to remove the cap when I need to... but the cap should improve the aerodynamics a bit, right? I plan on getting one of those "
AeroCaps" for my truck as soon as/if they become available.
The plexiglass grill block I have in mind will be easy to remove. It will be held in place via 3M dual lock. If the truck ever starts to overheat I should be able to pull over and take it off in seconds.
RIDE A BIKE!: "If by tomorrow, every gas guzzler on the road were replaced by Priuses, we would still have the same gridlock, accidents, deaths, injuries and the same pressures to put more asphalt, strip malls and subdivisions." --Thomas Smart: SuperCommuter