Rural highway in Indiana is prime for Coasting! See how much you can get away with, the SG will tell you if it's working. Don't give up to quick, your likely to see a bump in mpg if you can drive a route that doesn't have too many stop lights.
In order to get the 54mpg I had to drive around 50mph and coast a lot. It takes more focus to drive 50 mph than 80mph, at least I think so. It definatly took me a couple hours to adjust to the slow pace, but it paid off.
I've been averaging 43mpg recently with a peak of 44, I was really hoping to hit 45 this summer, but I wasn't able to get the aero mods done that I wanted to do. Although I do have a trip to SC coming up and and gunning to hit 60mpg

However I got a whinning accesory pulley and wheel bearing making some noise....
I've also determined that a 21 TPS is what the car likes to keep going 50 mph in the small rolling hills, 20 TPS on flat ground. I've also noticed a big difference in mpg from the hot air, so I'd say a HAI is going on the list. My IAT's are around 120-140 in the afternoon, and around 100 in the morning and I see about a 10mpg differnce at the same TPS and speed. I wonder how high I can push the IAT's ???