I know that VW cars have a special scan tool that they use called a VAG-COM, but from what I understand it is used for reprogramming certain things within the ECU such as the Automatic transmissions shift points, and other things.
I don't understand why my car only reports those 6 PID's. I displayed on one of the screens the Total amount of PID's available and it was actually fluctuating between 6 & 7 PID's available. I don't know if maybe there is something wrong with the data stream or what.
I'm pretty sure my car does report those other values because I just borrowed my buddies scanguage2 and hooked it up and drove for 20min and it appeared to be working.
I also have a quick question. Is there anyway to log the serial communications that is being made through the arduino? I know there is a serial monitor in the IDE itself but it doesn't support 10.4K baud.
Last edited by Demonhawk; 08-18-2009 at 03:12 PM..
Reason: Correction