I don't have interest in making a car go fast, but I do have interest in making a bicycle go fast. Here's one of the most interesting bikes I've seen:
Endless-sphere.com • View topic - P R O J E C T "Y" KILLABICYCLE World record 17 june 2009
I think it's because it's much cheaper to make a fast bike than a fast car and it takes much less energy. I actually plan to build a high performance hybrid bicycle that can help Texas A&M's bicycle racing team win a race. On the other hand, I look for MPG in cars.
If America manages to eliminate obesity, we would save as much fuel as if every American were to stop driving for three days every year. To be slender like Tiffany Yep is to be a real hypermiler...
Allie Moore and I have a combined carbon footprint much smaller than that of one average American...