I'm considering getting a small folding bike to put in the back of my van.
Then I can park on the outskirts of town and cycle in, easier parking, saving fuel and avoiding traffic.
The only thing is, what bike do I choose?
Ultra mini = Light and very convienient but no doubt a pain to ride
8" A-BICYCLE (SOLID),MINI BIKE,FOLDING BIKE,POCKET BIKE on eBay (end time 20-Aug-09 22:13:31 BST)
Mobiky Folding Bike Brand New (Gekko CarryMe Strida) on eBay (end time 20-Aug-09 19:00:00 BST)
Brompton = ok to ride but a bit heavier and very expensive. Quite small in the van, but I just don't feel love for them
A full sized folder = I can see myself enjoying one of these, but I'd have to make room for it in the van