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Old 08-20-2009, 06:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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EcoModder isn't at war with anybody

Darin can delete my post or say more if he wants. To be honest, I should wait for his opinion on the matter but I feel strongly and want to say something.

I've seen things around the net likening some sort "struggle" in the fuel economy community to a "war." Some of you may have also seen this or heard things about it.

However, I just want to say that we're not at war with anybody, and we don't have any desire to do anything but get along. Everyone I've met at things like the green grand prix and hybrid fest has been nice, so I don't see the point about turning something into a big internet fight as if there was really anything to worry about.

I'll reiterate: I've never had an unpleasant experience with anyone interested in FE economy that I've actually talked to. I try to get along, so if you have a problem for some reason I don't see what is wrong with talking it out and such rather than going and getting upset.

I hope you all share this sentiment, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about I hope you can take away from this at least that we're just interested in fuel economy and helping others out who are interested too, not kicking over someone else's sandcastle.

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