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Old 08-22-2009, 07:52 AM   #41 (permalink)
Relevance is irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
Pulse and gliding a NATURALLY APIRATED diesel is almost pointless.

My 1982 diesel Suburban I drove for years with a 3speed auto and 4.10 gears got the best MPGs accellerating very very slowly and holding constant speed and coasting to stop. I could get around 22mpg in town and approx 21.2 on the highway if I was careful.

I do recommend letting the vehicle slow uphill and speed up going down however, thats all I did to get decent mileage from such a poorly configured rig. heck I was in 3rd at 15mph or so.

The way you are stating things...

??? Its sounds as though you are more jaded than concerned. You are using loaded statements like killing a child because of slow driving or non-constant speed driving. When I am doing something on the road other people aren't doing, like obeying the posted speed limit or slowing to yield at crosswalks or even pulling off to the right to yield to other drivers in a hurry. I pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM DOING!

Unlike 90% of the drivers on the road, if driving is what I am doing that is all I am doing and I am focused on it. Hypermiling requires you to pay close attention to everything around you and everyone around you to anticipate your next action, if everyone drove as hypermilers do people would have their attention on the car and the road around them and not on the other BS they usually do.

I have a feeling many here have excellent driving records even with "unsafe" practices as you deem them.

I doubt anyone here will be in a massive accident because of hypermiling, likely obeying the law might get them in an accident but for the wrong reason.

I hope you can understand why we might object to your language choices.

And for the record, there are more deaths of children in and around parking lots/driveways than on the open road. I somehow doubt slow driving would increase that number.
You're just taking what I'm saying the wrong way and you need to chill. I haven't said anything wrong and I'm trying to help a common good.

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