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Old 08-22-2009, 09:27 AM   #241 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Makes sense.

Welcome to ecomodder windrider919.

You make a world of sense in your post. I have been mainly working at finding capital or selling the idea to an existing manufacturer. I have not considered taking deposits on orders and filling them as they come. It does make sense.

My biggest hurdle is it is just me building them. I would have to hire someone to help me. To lift one of these units on and off of a pickup bed by yourself is difficult, not to mention to do the fiberglass layup singlehandedly. However, taking deposits would allow me to have the money to hire some help.

A fiberglass fabrication company here in Arkansas presently has my molds. They are doing a cost study by making a few parts. If they agree to do the fiberglass fabrication for me that would help greatly. If they decline, there is a shop in Texas I am in communication with. I think they would be a better fit.

I will soon have the tooling for the 2009 F-150 done. Then I will start a contract with one of my clients for a few months in addition to having a job in house presently which I have to joggle my time between doing the Aerolid tooling and the paying contract job. You know how that is doing contract work yourself, you can't pass up any work. But, to get the Aerolid going, your suggested approach to getting if off the ground makes perfect sense. Having sales figures and positive feedback from people who buy one, like round.boater, may well be the enticement I have been lacking to get the attention of a major manufacturer of truck caps who could produce the product in volume and provide the all important marketing.

Thanks again for your common sense advice windrider.

Neil, I have a patent pending which I filed in latter 2007 with some good solid claims. I was suprised to see that there was no prior art in existing patents which might block allowance of these claims.

Have a good weekend,


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