They claim that the trailers can carry 16% more over standard trailers. This seems to suggest that they actually just added a hump, versus lower the trailing edges*.
I love the look of those trailers. It looks like the future is finally becoming a reality - overseas at least.
This sort of mod would be super easy to test out on an SUV - just get a large piece of cardboard and stick it on your roof. The roof rack would actually be useful since you could strap it to it.
A couple of hours of time, and a roll of tape could get it done.
It seems to me that even though something like this would add frontal area, it would reduce turbulence that might cancel out its effects. The wake would be smaller down wind since the air would be driven downwards .... ( right ? )
* Edit : 10 % not 16 %. 16 % was the fuel savings.
Last edited by Cd; 08-23-2009 at 12:47 AM..