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Old 08-23-2009, 04:33 PM   #8 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Originally Posted by Ptero View Post
Pure ethanol (e100) has 76,100 BTU/gal.
Gasoline has 114,500 BTU/gal.
You're saying mixing has no effect.
Perhaps you need to pay closer attention.
I here what your saying. I only tested the two fuels back to back one time. So it was not enough data to truly come to a scientific conclusion.

But trust me I'm very careful when refilling to get the same amount per tank.
(I use the same level spot at the same fuel-station, I check the fuel level with a measuring rod, I take notes on the ambient temperatures to account for the coefficient of volume expansion for gasoline being 950x10-6, I test the alcohol % of the fuel)etc.

I thought for sure I would see somewhat a gain when running the
non-ethanol fuel. But after seeing none I decided it wasn't worth it at this point and time in tuning my car for maximum FE. So now I have been doing all my test with the 10% blend.
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