I'm pulse and glide in that I'll FAS whenever I hit a downhill steep enough to maintain a coast (and it takes a very minimal downhill grade to maintain coasting speed), but otherwise I'll DWL. So I'm doing a lot of P&G in the mountains of NC and in the hillier parts of upstate SC, otherwise its DWL. Today's trip through upstate SC where I used to get 72mpg, today I gave me 85mpg and I spent about 65% of the distance in lean burn. On one fairly flat section of highway I sent my DWL cruise control for 100mpg at a speed of 55mph and it maintained a speed of 50 to 57mph over 8 miles of highway while maintaining 100mpg. Of course all these great mileages assume that the SuperMID is accurate and doesn't need some recalibration for the new engine, which I won't know until I run a few tanks through the car and compare the MID and calculated mileages.
The hardest part about driving with lean burn is learning to live with 2 different accelerator sensitivities. The car is also coasting several mph faster then it used to, so the old transmission must have something dragging inside it. My main adjustment to lean burn is that I've stopped FAS'ing onthe shorter downhills and I'll keep the throttle below 6.1 usec on the MID to stay in lean burn once I enter it. The throttle setting drops by 1.6 usec and the mileage jumps from 64mpg (4.6 usec) to 100mpg (3.0 usec) at 55mph when entering lean burn.
Last edited by basjoos; 08-26-2009 at 02:29 PM..