I am a German living in Ireland.
I have to commute to Dublin so I started motorcycling because of the obvious advantages. Most of my commute is motorway, thus I am aiming for 120 km/h if weather and traffic permit it. It is ~130kms long:
from: Collaghknock Gardens to: 53.299679,-6.175354 - Google Maps
This is intended as my little progress thread.
I like the way you can compare mpg (bigger is better) but as you can see above I am used to other measurements.
Since I have not found a way to enter metric values to this site, I started tracking my progress on
Details: Honda - CBR 250R MC19.
Today I reached over 50mpg, so I was tempted to improve this a little more.
Mostly I intend to do modifications on the bike, maybe my driving style, but not the (average) speed, a commute of roughly an hour is enough.
Today I fixed the fairings a little (she was dropped before I got her, and thus cheap) and closed the air inlets int the front (see if it holds long, seems there are parts missing). Also, I lubricated the chain a little.
Generally she is a workhorse, as I have other projects, she might not get the full attention. For example, I could fix, maybe even modify the fairings with fibreglass but cannot find the time, yet.
I have been checking this site from time to time and been reading a lot, especially the tips. I very much appreciate any input from you guys.
Thanks in advance!