Originally Posted by frodus
And not to mention, he can now use off the shelf AC motors, that don't have to be rewound, so that cuts cost quite a bit. Forklift motors are limited in voltage and RPM, induction motors can go quite a bit higher and are much more widely available. Just go look for an industrial 240V motor, they're everywhere.
Actually, industrial motors in the sizes we are interested in are either 208v or 480v since those are the common 3 phase industrial voltages. (Some are designed so they can be used on either by rewiring.)
If America manages to eliminate obesity, we would save as much fuel as if every American were to stop driving for three days every year. To be slender like Tiffany Yep is to be a real hypermiler...
Allie Moore and I have a combined carbon footprint much smaller than that of one average American...