Originally Posted by blownb310
EOC means "engine on cruise" right?
P.S. I have manual steering and brakes as well.
You used the brakes? :-P
My technique was EOC + full throttle acceleration in 5th gear (actually 80% throttle, 1600-2000RPM, 35-45mph, to minimize BSFC). There were some hills that were steep enough that I couldn't climb them at 1600RPM, so I made sure I was going 45mph up them.
P+G, plus the grille block, let to uncustomary coolant temperatures. My car normally operates between 185-195°F, but it shot up to 204°F on the first hill until the fan kicked on, and got into the 170's or 160's whenever I fired up the engine after a particularly long glide. It's not ideal to run the engine hard, then switch off the water pump immediately, but hey, the Subaru is built to endure worse.