As far as I know the ELM327 handles all protocols, so if you hook up all proper hardware to the ELM chip and to your car, the OBDuino32K will work for it.
If i am wrong... well, maybe someone will send me one of those chips and we can fix it in the code for you
For the fun of it. I tried to start using the Issues tab on the google code page. With a few of us working on the project now, it might be nice to have that feature used.
It could be nice, for example when one of us has a free moment and want to accomplish something on the project we could have a list to choose from.
This could help us be aware of issues others discovered in the code. Also this will keep two of us from doing the same work.
At the moment when big features are being worked on, like the ones froggy has in the works, it's not so beneficial, but as the project grows, this will help us make a nice polished product -- and make sure we don't forget about going back to fix things that are only half done now... like CRC error check and such.