Hello all
My name is Yahya I've been a member of Gassavers.org for about two years now, where I first learned about hypermiling as well as being introduced to various ideas of more efficient drive trains and fuel saving concepts along with energy conservation techniques (home and auto). My current DD is a 2001 TJ Wrangler Sport (Heep) which has been returning me around 18 MPG. For a Wrangler not too bad. Nothing great either. But beats the 14-16 I used to get with it. Most of the improvements I've seen have come from driving technique rather than mods (Max PSI, DWL, DWB, Coasting, 55-65MPH speeds

). I'm hoping this summer I'll have some time to clean up its aero. My ideal goal would be to get 30 MPG highway with it.
So far the best "mod" I have done to my TJ is the "Insight Mod"

In Jan of 08 I was lucky enough to stumble across a more or less intact 2000 Honda Insight (Rommie) in a junk yard in San Jose. 2k later and it currently living in my driveway. So far the car seems to have all the issues common to the Insight along with a broken window and needing some basic maintenance. A sweet find IMO. I'll post up a copy of my build there over here shortly. The Insight will be replacing my TJ as a DD.
So I'm hoping in a month or so I can switch from an 18 MPG rather polluting Jeep into a 70MPG "flowers out the tail pipe" hybrid. Having a tank of gas last me a month will be uber sweet.
See you all around in the right lane
Vehicle Specs
2001 TJ Wrangler Sport
4.0L M5 D44 3.73
30" BFG ATs aired up to 45PSI
Partial belly pan (Engine-Tranny Skid + T-Case Skid)
Plus some diff armor, rear tire carrier, rear bumper, CB junk, air compressor, and various random stuff I have installed over the years.
Redline Light weight ShockProof Diff Oil
Redline MTL Tranny fluid
Valvoline ATF+4 T-case
Penzoil Platinum 10w-30 Engine Oil
56k going strong
2000 Honda Insight
1.0L M5 - 3 screaming gerbils
Mismatched tires (front 175s Hankook something or anothers, rear bald 165 RE92s)
Mobile 1 0W-20 engine oil
Redline MTL tranny
230k on the ticker