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Old 09-02-2009, 03:30 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by windrider919 View Post
Whups, I made a calculator error. Now I have to go back and re figure.
(post #52 corrected)

I knew about the Saturn but still, in general, most automatic transmission cars cannot be towed.

Why would any one really want a chain drive? they are noisy, need frequent adjustment and loose power. The are used on bikes but the above applies.
They're not really that bad... honestly. Most vehicles with chains for any purpose also come with a tensioner, which voids the "needs adjustment" argument.

Several older t-cases have chain drives in them, so they're plenty strong enough, and you can't really hear them if they're properly lubricated, so that voids the "noisy" argument.

As far as losing (loose-ing) power, that's simply not true either. While some parasitic power loss can be noted by the chain's movement, and the weight and friction of parts, you're talking a very minute amount, compared to things like tire friction, which also represent a very small amount of drive train losses.
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