You've got a 3 speed and you get into 3rd gear around 35 mph? If it's anything like my stepkid's 91 Cavalier (2.2 L4, 3 spd auto), it does really well keeping at 45 tops. Pushing it to 55 just drinks the gas so fast you'd swear there was a hole in the tank. The lack of OD is what hurts when you have to keep higher speeds to keep from backing up traffic. Is there any different way you can take?
I agree, you've probably got the higher temp thermostat in there. If you wanna run hotter, you can try various grille blocks, which should also improve aero. Even with my grille blocked, it doesn't run any hotter, but I know my gauge would read hotter if the engine was. Of course if I lived in SC where it really gets warm I might notice a difference.
Oh another thing, how many miles is your commute? If it is pretty short, that would make it harder to get better mpg.
Winter daily driver, parked most days right now
Summer daily driver