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Old 09-06-2009, 09:21 AM   #6 (permalink)
Gen II Prianista
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This is major news: in his dotage, Kadafy only has the best interest of his
suppressed subjects at heart...

"The invention of the safest car in the world is proof that the Libyan
revolution is built on the happiness of man."

No, I take that back, he has the deepest concern for all mankind. Amazing
isn't it that this had been hidden or overlooked for such a long time...
It must be a conspiracy by the Western media.

I am sure that next he will turn his attention to designing the world's safest
car bomb.

But wait... there is a method to his madness. I suspect that as many as 3
Libyans can afford the Rocket. So Kadafy is really saying that the safest car
is one that essentially none of the downtrodden populace can buy.

More simply, the safest car is no car at all. Brilliant! This Man/God is a
genius and must be listened to. I for one can now see the One True Path...

Does anybody know where I can buy a clean, low mileage camel?

Update: I just completed a "Buy It Now!" purchase on eBay:
Two Humper ER (extended range), long-tail Touring package,
20.37km/cud EPA rating, even had an extended mfgr's warranty
and car pool lane badges.

Last edited by Rokeby; 09-06-2009 at 02:34 PM..
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