Edmunds ran a mileage test and got these results:
Then Consumer Reports gave us the Honda Insight mph vs MPG for ranges that I'd already been tracking for the Prius NHW11, NHW20 and ZVW30:

Note that I do not consider Consumer Reports conclusions terribly helpful; not when we have three Prius models to compare to the Insight.
An Australian magazine also ran a head-to-head mileage test:
Finally, there are the EPA results from individuals:
What I'm seeing is the speed range, 70-75 mph, is key to a higher EPA mileage rating. The ZVW30 and NHW20 Prius do and they have an excellent EPA rating. But the NHW11 does not and it came in pretty low. So too did the Honda Insight.
I am fairly certain that BSFC at high power settings is the single most important aspect of highway performance. This is something the diesels share, a high BSFC at high power settings. Of course the diesels fall down in the city but that is something they will have to address.
Bob Wilson