T-100 Performance Update
September 10 came,and I left home with the trailer project in pieces.I left an update at the full boat tail trailer thread.--------- To make the best of a bad situation I went ahead and ran out to New Mexico to check out the new "racing" tires and any affect they might have on mpg.------------- I ran without the 24" boat tail to simulate the truck at standard length as a future comparison to the trailer rig now scheduled for Christmas holiday testing.------------- The new tires are 70 aspect ratio compared to 75 for what came off the truck.RPMs were affected,turning as much as 400-rpm higher at 80-mph (129 km/h ).------------ Results at 80 mph were within 1.5% agreement with numbers achieved in earlier testing, @ 26.767 mpg.------------ Results at 70-mph ( 113 km/h )were within 0.2 mpg from one earlier test,returning 30.32 mpg ( 7.748 L/100 km ).------------ The most interesting run stretched from Cloudcroft,New Mexico to home,which I ran at the old double-nickel 55-mph speed limit,which approximates more closely the EPA HWY testing.At a steady 55-mpg ( 88.6 km/h ) the truck averaged 32.813 mpg with one leg at 39.05 mpg ( 6.014 L/100 km ).This is the highest mpg I've recorded for the T-100 at highway speed and is same run where CRX recorded it's best mpg.-------------- Had I been running the boat tail I might have broke into 40-mpg territory.--------------- This coming December I'll run this same leg with the trailer and see just how far I can push mpg.--------------- P.S. looks like losing the boat tail cost me about 1.7 mpg on the interstate.