Hey Alvin! Yes, shielded cable for the LEM. Attach one end of the ground wire inside the shielded cable to system ground, which is one of the LEM pins.
The engineer that did the first 3 assembled control boards wrote to me about the missing part numbers:
The 4 pin housing that plugs into the controller is 22-01-3047 . The housing that plugs into the LEM header is 22-01-1042.
It's a bit narrower than the other 4 pin (.098" pitch versus .100"). They both use the same crimp pins though.
5 pin Molex 09-50-8053
4 pin Molex 22-01-3047 (to LEM)
3 pin Molex 22-01-3037 (rs-232)
crimp pins for 3 & 4 pin housings above.
08-50-0114 This accepts wire from 22-30AWG
crimp pins for 5 pin housing
08-50-0134 This accepts wire from 22-26AWG
08-52-0072 This accepts wire from 18-24AWG
COULD SOMEBODY ADD THESE TO THE WIKI? I would, but I don't feel like it! hahahaha.