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Old 09-16-2009, 04:49 PM   #12 (permalink)
Chevy and CB Radio Lover
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Well the book says 13 gallons, and it seems correct. When on flat land and my needle shows 1/2 tank exactly it takes very close to 6 1/2 gallons to fill it up. So far the math agrees with the tank size, but I will check the book again to be double sure. Fact is who knows what we really have for a gas tank size? I hear of gas tanks that are really larger than advertised as, but never smaller.

On the 70MPH interstate I think I would be alright if allowed to go 60-MPH, but man.... rush hour will get me killed if I go 60 in the 70 zones here!! Also in seeing that many serious accidents are because of a large difference in speed, I do not feel too safe going much less than say 65 in a 70 zone. One never knows when somebody will rear-end ya here! BAAAAm. - Naw, I better stick to the 55mph side roads, many which were interstates decades ago.
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