Sounds good. I used to live (long time ago) on the road to Chicks Beach off of Shore Drive that runs parallel to Northampton just before it becomes the Bay Bridge Tunnel. It's named after my grandfather who was a state trooper during Prohibition.
Born in De Paul hospital, 1950.
You probably know the name of that road

Don't count on me for to much Insight insight LOL, I faded out of the tech scene in the lat 90s. Most of what I worked on was older stuff, in particular the Nissan Z cars from 70-86. I can tell you a lot about a 37 Ford, hehe.
Another neat thing about the engine design is it transforms itself into a flywheel for energy storage. Also has no connecting rods. As the compression increases the timing advances. With a CVT you can P&G the engine while maintaining a constant vehicle speed, alternating from IC to flywheel power application. Engine never stops spinning when it switches from IC to flywheel, so no other storage is necessary.
Similar to the old toy flywheel cars some of us older members played with when we were kids, and the only computers were in the Post Office.
No valves potential compression ratios as high as 50 to 1.