COZX2 never really told what he did, I presume he was running some tunning software because he said he was tweaking the fuel trims, he just never said how.... His last few posts before he disappeared were about having his ZX2 torn apart for better trans gearing, custom cams and more compression. I'm sure he was running it lean for flat ground, but it seems like he was the king of EOC and that's what really got him to 100+
His average was actually around the mid 50's. His mpg rose so quickly he never had time to accumulate those extraordinary trips to bring his average up. I remember a post about his flat groud cruise mpg being in the 60-80 territory, which places him there with the lean burn boys. Living at 10,000 feet and mastering the EOC on the hills he lived in got him past that. He even repaved his driveway in a loop to prevent losses from having to back out in the morning. He had one battery for going to work and one to return so he wouldn't have to use his Alt. He coasted so much he not only had a full grill block, but a full radiator block to try and preseve heat, in fact he stuffed his engine bay with R-30 bats to keep the heat in. Of course this was because he was shooting for 100+ mpg in the Colorado winter