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Old 09-22-2009, 04:58 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Smile bump starting. power steering

Originally Posted by Fr3AkAzOiD View Post
I would try EOC in an empty parking lot to make sure you have at least one good push on the brakes before they start to fade and the steering wheel should be able to be turned just without the power assist.

I would do this just to make sure your systems are working properly even if you don't intend to ever EOC again.

From running position turn key back one click, wait about 2 seconds and then click back to run (but do not turn to start position). You should have 1 or 2 good pushes on the brake and the steering wheel should turn, but just with more effort needed.

Here is a thread on how to smoothly bump start your engine.

I would do that just to make sure your car is working properly then if it is drive however you feel most comfortable.
Ok, if by bump starting you are speaking of starting a car/truck with a manual transmission by getting the car rolling in neutral (as in pushing the car, rolling down a hill)and then slipping the clutch into gear- I have been doing that since I was 14 years old on a motorcycle. And the thought did occur to me to try restarting that way, and it seems my car WILL start fine as long as the key is in right. (Sorry your link is not working on my browser)

My power steering was just impossible to move, [CORRECTION] maybe one inch tops*. Maybe a 2008 allows this option and the 2009 wont..? Could it be the "Theft Deterrent Device"- Which deals directly with car thefts that M.O. is to jam a screwdriver straight into the ignition key hole and break the steering neck?

Hey that could be it!! My Cobalt listed a feature called a "Theft Deterrent Device". When I asked what it was and how it worked I was told it was an invention that prevented car thieves from sticking anything other than the correct key into the ignition switch. Was this option listed on the members here that drive 2008 Chevy Cobalt XFEs??

If I ever do try this stunt again you can bet on me being in a safe place- LIKE MY DRIVEWAY!! I'll update if I feel stupid again and report back with my results.

Last edited by Jammer; 09-22-2009 at 02:04 PM.. Reason: *Corrected how far the steering wheel could move (about an inch)
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