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Old 09-22-2009, 10:14 AM   #56 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Alabama
Posts: 23

Victory (hwy) - '09 Pontiac G5 Base Coupe XFE
90 day: 37.32 mpg (US)

Victory (city) - '09 Pontiac G5 Base Coupe XFE
90 day: 29.93 mpg (US)
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I had a much different experience in my G5, which is mechanically identical to the Cobalt. I was able to steer around a 90 degree corner (rolling through a stop sign when nobody was around). After the turn is a steep hill ending with another stop sign. I had no problems stopping (did not notice any difference than with the car on). I did it twice, once with the key in position 1 (no dash info) and in position 2 (dash info on, bump start possible). The only time the steering will lock is if the key is in position 0 (completely off, key can be removed). I thought I had power steering with the key in position 2, but I may be wrong.

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