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Old 09-22-2009, 10:45 PM   #62 (permalink)
Chevy and CB Radio Lover
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Thumbs up IT WORKS!! Thanks!!

Thanks gang!

Guess what?

I got it to work here on the little street in front of my house, FINALLY! I must admit once the car slows down to less than 5mph the steering is very hard, but not impossible to operate. I think I now know what the problem was, but I'm not sure. I do know that my former mistake was NOT leaving the key in the "off" position- I did the same thing with the key every time I tried this.

I have a cb radio, GPS, radar detector, cell phone charger and all of those wires are tucked and hidden the best I can do. This means I have a remote radar detector wire wrapped around the steering column several times to take up the slack. I may very well be barking up the wrong tree here, I do not know that this makes any more sense. But, when I un-wrapped my remote radar detector wire (Like I am worried about a ticket!! haha) from the steering column and moved the steering wheel up a notched things worked fine after that. I have to wonder if somehow I had a wire jammed into the column in a way that could of been very dangerous for me if I lost power at high speeds. My brakes worked fine AND my steering worked fine too, except the slower I moved the harder it was to steer, but I did manage to pull into my driveway without the engine running and park it.

It is now after dark, so one of the things I made sure of was that my LIGHTS were in the always ON setting because I did not know how turning the engine off would effect my lights.

So, all worked fine this time.

Thanks for the help!

Man I feel better knowing my car is not broke. I still may be wrong as to what happen on my first two attempts, and I do think it's a little bit dangerous, but if I can safely drive my car and manage to bump the MPG to over 50 then it's worth it for me!

Last edited by Jammer; 09-23-2009 at 12:09 AM..
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