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Old 09-23-2009, 08:54 AM   #22 (permalink)
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At a steady 40 MPH my 02 Insight CVT (first gen) gets 80 MPG. The 01 Echo manual would be 30MPH on the same amount of fuel, .5 GPH.

That's the same amount of fuel a 305 cubic inch V8 uses just idling. Small engines are more efficient ( in noirmal use) because they use less energy to keep their own parts moving, the Echo is .19 GPH at idle, the Insight is probably less than .15 GPH idling. Its not that small engines necessarily have better BSFC zones, its because they will always be closer to best BSFC in normal operations.

A hypermiled manual Insight would do 50 MPH (or better), on the same amount of fuel.

I love what the manufacturers are doing in Europe, and the US should have done the same a long time ago.

The Insight sat on the dealers lot for 16 months because no one would pay 20 grand for a car with such limited utility in 2002, when gas was relatively cheap.

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