Originally Posted by diesel_john
if you throw a curve to the ecu and unplug a sensor how long does it take the
SG to report the glich? just for fun
i define closed loop to be when the oxygen sensor is fluctuating between .2 and .8 volts at least once per second. but the newer the engine the larger the number of sensors have to be in agreement before the ECU is truely in closed loop. as the technology got better the tolerance around .45 vdc has gotten smaller and smaller. so what is closed for a 91 engine doesn't cut it for a 2001 engine.
I'll test that... maybe this weekend, time permitting...
As for closed loop definitions.... There's more than one... There's also quasi closed loop states depending on the data coming in from different sensors....
The term "closed loop" in it's usage here is really a misnomer for feedback controls...