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Old 09-24-2009, 04:05 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Smile bump start

Oh, I thought I should mention one other thing before this thread comes to an end. I think it's important that people with stick shifts that drive EOC know how to start their cars back up just by matching their gear with a speed and going from neutral to gear to restart their cars when they slow down too much. I find the best gears are often 4th and 3rd on my 5 speed, depending on my speed I wish to restart at during EOC. On my Cobalt XFE if I use the ignition switch to restart my car after going EOC it normally will cause all of the lights, headlights and all, to "blink" off/on even though the switch is turned ON always for the lights- this may draw attention to one and the police might not approve of drivers going EOC, so I think it's important that driver's with manual transmissions start their cars back with a bump start by simply syncing the speed with the right gear before it's moving too slow and using the clutch to start the car the old fashion way- at least in the case of my car the lights remain ON when I restart my car with a so called bump start, but my lights turn off/on whenever I use the key to restart.

It's really surprising how smooth one can drive EOC with practice.
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