Congrats on the XFE. I owned a Cobalt for 2 years and recently sold it to get a 17 year old Honda VX.
The Cobalt continues to be an underrated car that is amazing in its efficiency and performance. I find it interested that it gets better mileage than it's little Chevy brother, the Aveo.
I've seen some XFEs in our area in Kansas. The car I had was from the model year before, with a stick. It didn't have the XFE gearing or low rolling resistance tires, but it did very well on gas. I could easily get the EPA numbers. 36mpg on the two lanes was easily accomplished.
Funny that Consumer Reports didn't care for this car. The said it had poor mileage and had average handling. I didn't think that at all. They criticized the steering, yet it was a Japanese electric rack - an efficiency saving device that all cars will probably have in the future. Anyway, I'm done with Consumer reports. I think they are out of touch with normal folks and have a bias toward imported vehicles based on feedback from their limited.
subscriber base.
As far as Chevy, I'm looking forward to seeing the Spark. I like the idea of making cars that have no exotic batteries and are simply small and efficient. I hope they don't degrade the car's abilities and pump up the motor from it's European specs "for the American Market," and strip it of it's mileage. I have my eye on the new Ford Fiesta as well. We'll see. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the Honda VX.