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Old 09-25-2009, 04:48 PM   #79 (permalink)
Chevy and CB Radio Lover
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Opps, I forgot to mention the most obvious change in an XFE- The Manual 5-Speed Stick shift transmission! (that is now #6 on the list).

What a wide range of views we have here. A good thing indeed.

I have already commented on another forum here how much I distrust Consumer Reports, as with every product I had knowledge of the magazine and I have NEVER once agreed with their opinions. I strongly feel that anyone that soley bases their car purchase on what Consumer Reports says could be making a big mistake. It's far better (imho) to talk to the owners of such cars/products and get their opinions.

I feel all car companies are slowly converting over to all electric cars. It all started with electric wheelchairs and electric golf carts. The problem with electric cars is we have no way of stopping at a station for a fast electric charge, we can only purchase gas or diesel for hybrids, and can charge a plug-in car in about 8 hours (see the 2010 plug-in Chevy Volt- yet to be on the market). In many years we may someday see a time that it will be possible to charge a battery in a matter of a few minutes- and I am sure they are working on making that a reality. Many point to solar Cells, but they are a long ways from being efficient enough to use for power to drive a car under average conditions. Until that day we will see more and more small gas/diesel power cars, and many new Hybrid cars. Personally I do not see a long future for oil gasoline and diesel powered cars and trucks. I strongly feel it's a matter of National Defense for many countries, and that electric cars are quickly becoming more efficient everyday. The big problem that is emerging is to find a method of doing a fast charge on a vehicle when it is depleted of electricity. Also some have a strong fear of EMF- which I do not share.

Some people hold out hope for alternatives such as algae or hemp seed oil- (like Willie Nelson's bus!), methane gas fueled cars/trucks and many other technologies in the R&D phase right now. Maybe one of these technologies will someday gain some headway. I strongly doubt we will be as dependent on oil in the near future. This is why Oil companies, such as BP are already diversifying into alternatives such as solar technology as I type this. Google BP Solar and see what I mean. For example, see this link: - Solar business is not booming YET. But the big oil guys are looking years into the future.

Last edited by Jammer; 09-25-2009 at 04:54 PM..
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