Originally Posted by nemesis
I can beat that.
#1 In my earlier days I had a large heavy spring/coil design cb antenna that flew off my pickup truck (70MPH plus speeds) every time a cross-wind hit and it's magnet would allow it to fly about ten feet up in the air and then get stuck on my driver's side door forcing me to pull off the interstate before I started hitting cars with it to the left lane of me.
#2 A worse time yet was when my large pickup truck TOPPER started to fall off my Colorado pickup! I was going 75MPH and heard a noise and looked in my mirror to find this $1,000 large topper for the bed of my pickup starting to fall off. It was hanging half way off the truck by that time! The drivers behind me would get close enough to see it and swerve as fast as they could to get around me. I pulled off and discovered the large C-Clamps had came lose and I never could get it secured all the way correct until I got home where I had more muscle waiting. If I had not pulled over in time I would of had a very large and heavy fiberglass pickup topper flying straight behind me in 70MPH traffic. It could of easily busted a windshield or worse. Man those drivers were wiggling all over the interstate until they got around me! I think I even had an all points warning go out on the trucker's CB channel to look out for me!