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Old 09-26-2009, 08:33 PM   #4 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Silver - '10 Chevy Cobalt XFE
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Those batteries are normally not very picky about charging, but I do know you need to avoid overcharging, especially if the batteries sit a long period.

When those batteries sit you need to draw them down to roughly 10.5 volts before you charge them then continue to do so and the capacity increases (at least thats how it worked with mine)

If the batteries gas while charging it can be problematic since they are sealed AGMs.

I would definately use the warranty but if your stuck you should check to see what the batteries did.

Good Luck

Originally Posted by stou0220 View Post
The cases were not warped, nor do the terminals appear to be bad. When I got the car I did drive it about 1/2 mile before charging, and everything seemed fine. I charged it for 6 hours or so, and drove it 2 more times (1-2 miles each), when the first battery blew. I think it 'gassed' (not sure), as each time the the pack voltage dropped by 12-13 volts and the battery whistled like a tea pot. I could smell the vapor in the air.

The dealer said it could be a bad charger, but I don't have enough experience with this to understand how. I don't know if I just had 3 bad batteries or something systemically wrong. Any other suggestions?
It probably shorted out, it is possible that you had a bad charger, many times Miles used cheap chinese chargers which are only semi automatic.
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