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Old 09-27-2009, 05:13 AM   #46 (permalink)
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I grabbed these quickly too

An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health. They document serious scientific concerns about current limits regulating how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life.
[Since the release of this ground breaking report, world governments are warning their citizens about the use of wireless technology and will no doubt refer to it when establishing future wireless, electric, and electromagnetic technology policies.]

[The Canadian Human Rights Commission approved a Policy on Environmental Sensitivities on June 15th, 2007. In this policy, EHS is classified as an environmental sensitivity and therefore a disability.]
Approximately 3% of Canadians have been diagnosed with environmental sensitivities. They usually experience neurological impairments, and often experience other symptoms including runny eyes and nose, headaches, fatigue, pain and breathing and digestive problems. Environmental sensitivities may develop gradually after chronic exposure to relatively low levels of chemicals as seen in "sick buildings," or suddenly after a major exposure to an environmental disaster or a chemical spill. This condition may be initiated by one or a combination of environmental factors such as mould, pesticides, solvents, chemicals off-gassing from carpets or furnishings, or electromagnetic phenomena.

What are the issues, the second-hand effects, and the standards for the wireless technologies?
Life on earth has evolved amidst a broad band of electromagnetic frequencies, which originate from throughout the universe. By 1980, environmental exposure to artificial, repetitive or random signals in the radiofrequency / microwave band has risen dramatically – by more than a trillion times, mostly for military technology.

Since 1980, mostly for newly-introduced commercial applications, the average “second-hand” exposure in Southern Canada has risen from about 0.005 microWatt/cm2 to the current background environmental range of 0.4 to 100.0 ”Watt/cm2. We note an 8 to 20,000-fold increase with peaks in downtown Toronto and some centres, including Brantford and Mississauga. About 100 square kilometres in Southern Ontario have environmental broadband radiofrequency and microwave power emission exposures during timeframes that can exceed the Health Canada Safety Code 6 exposure limit of approximately 0.6 to 1 milliWatt/cm2 (600 - 1,000microWatt/cm2). Such illegal irradiation coverage can be expected to rise exponentially to several hundred square kilometres in both Ontario and Quebec by the end of this decade, on a more persistent basis, as more and more wireless technologies are approved by governments and marketed. Note that individuals within such exposed zones may experience a continual body temperature rise, with time, (but actually “feel” colder, and may seek greater warmth).

Johnny drinks coffee, Johnny drinks beer. Beer and coffee aren't pollutants but contain food and herbal qualities, and I get to choose and decide if my kids should have this....

As a curve ball. Like the Royal Rife Generator and radiation therapy.... Some EMF exposure could be a treatment, for, illness, even EMF sickness? Like snake venom antidote for being snake bit.

And it came to pass and while relaxing smoking the herb and supping the beer, the solution to the problem of EMF's emerged like from a cloud-poof! Dont get near that stuff. Stay as far away as practically possible for the longest of times possible. It was too easy, and it was all good.

To avoid being trampled by elephants or bitten by tigers, dont go to places where they live.

Last edited by blueflame; 09-27-2009 at 09:41 AM..
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