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Old 09-27-2009, 02:56 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
You know, this really puzzles me. Here you have people worried about the remote possibility of health hazards from EMFs, even though there are plenty of studies showing that if there's any effect at all, it's undetectably small. At the same time, they're apparently not the least little bit bothered by the fact that they're sitting just a few feet from a tank full of a poisonous and highly flammable chemical, which they must refill at frequent intervals, exposing themselves to this extremely hazardous substance while potentially allowing substantial amounts of it to be released into the environment...

Would it bother you if you had to sleep beside a running microwave with the door open?

Would it bother you if you had to sleep beside a running microwave with the door closed?

Would it bother you if you had to sleep with a running microwave in the next room?

So he feels there is good reason to take the precautions and isn't willing to take that chance? What's the big deal?

Personally I agree with the OP's concern, however I am exposed to substances in my line of work which may be a long-term health risk. Why would I want to add to the problem?

We should respect one's desire to avoid the hazards even though it may require effort and possibly an unorthodox lifestyle. If the possibility of a degenerative disease doesn't phase you, then go on and don't worry about it. I would rather jump off a bridge head first onto rocky ground than I would fading out slowly over a months or years time span.
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