Hi, I have a 1998 Contour (2.0L, MT), as well as a 1972 Honda CB350. As the MC is my short haul/good weather vehicle, I'm looking to mod my Contour for its new role as a predominantly interstate vehicle.
So far, I've only done a passenger-side wiper delete. I'm interested in the following mods:
1. Grille clean-up/front air dam
2. Side mirror replacement with back-up cameras
3. VGs ahead of rear window
4. Rear fender skirts
5. Belly pan.
Since one of the ways I intend to save gas is via "gliding" the downhills on the interstates, I need to clean-up enough to maintain the 55min that I'm comfortable with at zero throttle.
I'm seeing a SGII in my immediate future...half the fun (for me) is quantifying the results!
So far, I'm averaging between 25(full city) and 40(full hwy) in my 'Tour, really without any hypermiling techniques (though I've always been conscious of red light timing..."hurry up 'n' wait" just seems stupid!) I am also averaging $0.34/mi ownership cost. My goal is to bring both down. (For the bike, I'm getting 46MPG, with insufficient sample size for ownership costs.)
Off to register at the garage...