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Old 09-27-2009, 11:03 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by greasemonkee View Post
Would it bother you if you had to sleep beside a running microwave with the door open?
The answer to all three questions: Not if it was quiet.

So he feels there is good reason to take the precautions and isn't willing to take that chance? What's the big deal?
The big deal is that it's a matter of fundamental world view. The health effects of EMFs have been studied, and those studies all find that the chance of getting your unspecified degenerative disease are exactly the same with or without the EMFs, which really ought to settle the question. But instead, the OP and like-minded people subscribe to the superstitious world view, where things happen because people believe they will. Evidence doesn't matter, just as it doesn't matter that there's no discernable difference between the 13th floor of a hotel and the 12th or 14th. They belive in the superstition.

Even that would be ok, except that he's letting his superstitions drive him to try to dictate what kind of car I can buy. If the potential EMFs in the Honda Insight (or the Prius, Tesla, etc) bother him, there's an extremely simple solution: DON'T BUY ONE. But don't tell me I can't. I happen to like my Insight.
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