Originally Posted by tasdrouille
When a car looks like it can't take any more fuel, may I suggest that it be vigorously rocked up and down and from side to side to eliminate any air bubbles. Last time around I rocked my car a bit till I could not fill any more, but I could still only get 0.85 gallon in. So I put the cap back on and then I really rocked it hard, I was able to get an other 0.3 gallon in.
Great suggestion. Along these lines, I had some other feedback on a Nissan related forum. The poster's comments to refilling were these:
"Filling to the rim still wont help if the fuel opening is on the low side of the car. Air will collect on the other side and it has no where to get out. You can fill it to the rim with no air if the fuel side is the higher side."
Do you think we should have some sort of ramp to drive up on during filling, just under the two tires of the side of the car's fuel filler? I'm thinking along the lines of a wooden plank. Comments are welcome.