I've been kinda waiting for this & ... s*** happens. The overwrought (electric rice cooker) cliches applied to the wrong car. Quad tips, 18" wheels & 40 series rubber, to name a few. The recent Ford ,Holden, & Toyota Aurion designs have those black goth eyeliner corner lamps. Watch out Honda (Insight)!, another slammed Civic gohan burner will be coming around the corner, waiting for a 1/8 mile extension cord drag race.
I am still waiting for 'true' aero tuning parts to come from the aftermarket. The hybrid vehicle market is maturing to a point were aero-green enthusiasts are craving for effective customizing solutions. Ecomodders, notwitstanding, I would like to see a more polished effort from SEMA designers. Meanwhile there is a treasure trove of ideas just in this 'backyard garage' community.
TOMMYKAIRA Developing Aggressive Aero Kits for 2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid - Carscoop