yeah know how much they cost? and then the electronics package to MANAGE 100 cells. if I could afford that I would not be compalining about gas prices.
The government does not GET to decide if we have that power. the power is their for our TAKING. We out number them THOUSANDS TO ONE.
if people actually WOKE UP things could change rapidly. if just 10% of the population stood up in UNISON and said NO. what are they going to do? you can NOT arrest 10% of the population.
Arrested 1% of the population (the HIGHEST IN THE WORLD higher even than china) is taxing our system beyond measure.
if 10% of us said NO. the president would snap to and say YES SIR and do as commanded by the people.
thats where de education and media control come in. Keep them dumb. control the flow of information.
the government does not LET us to anything. WE PERMIT the government to have a say.
Remember that its important.