Originally Posted by Mesuge
You might be interested in connecting those three buttons wirelessly via basic strap on style steering wheel remote kit, in that fashion you can easily cycle through the different PIDs on the LCD and still be safely focused with both hands on driving.
That's an interesting idea. Elsewhere in the book there's brief mention of how to interface with the existing steering wheel buttons that are connected via floating contacts or clockspring electrodes, so I suppose one option would be to take over existing buttons rather than add new ones. The problem with a radio link is that most simple RF remotes won't handle multiple simultaneous presses, while the OBDuino relies on pressing multiple buttons to perform some actions.
By the way, I've now moved the OBDuinoMega branch to a repo on GitHub so that it's in a similar location to the other projects featured in the book:
Cheers :-)
Jonathan Oxer
Geek My Ride:
Practical Arduino: