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Old 10-04-2009, 07:19 PM   #92 (permalink)
Chevy and CB Radio Lover
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Frank: Now I wold not go as far as what you said. I got a feeling you have been around hills and mountains... But you had a very valid point. Normally, it would seem that people like us doing every trick in the book to save every drop of fuel that we can would never need to worry about speeding. But, as my story shows, I learned just yesterday that it's all to easy to gain too much speed down a steep incline and get clocked by the police, and I really doubt they would buy the argument of saving gas. And if a cop even suspected a driver turned off their engine on purpose while driving I bet these state boys would not hesitate to find a law to write a ticket up. That's a big reason I make darn sure all my lights are on at night time when in EOC, even a blink of the lights might give the false impression that you are trying to get someone's attention- just like driver's that blink their brights when they are driving the opposite direction past ya, most figure there is trouble ahead of some kind. It's just a situation on the road that is best avoided.

cfg83: I had NO IDEA about the same plastic molding ideas and whatever being used in The Saturns! I have often wondered why GM never used the same idea for other cars, because it was a good idea when used on a well constructed frame. It was the small oil pan that got them in legal trouble (not on the non-GTs 4-bangers, they drove slow but fine except in bad weather). The only problem I had with my 85 fiero was the plastic still had a plastic look to it. I have pictures, heck my friend and I even made a professional VIDEO of the car to a song of (*gasp-cough*) Phil Collins. My video engineer friend worked at a large TV station and we could borrow their expensive video gear long before camcorders became popular. So I can look at the video and the photos and my car never had that waxed down glowing look of modern cars. But I bet they can do it now with newer technology and better paints etc.

One of the biggest drawbacks for me on the Fiero GT was not only the price of car insurance costing me MORE than my actual car payment, but the fact the car could not drive on snow one bit- I lived in Michigan, it snows there!! Even in heavy rain this car would spin off the road. I had many close calls with it due to lack of traction of the tires. It seemed the car was only good for nice dry weather days.

Last edited by Jammer; 10-04-2009 at 07:26 PM..
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