I have not noticed my truck running cooler but I am going to start paying attention to that.
This test vehicle ran cooler after this 'grill block.'
FoMoCo has incorporated a grill block on some test models (maybe they're allready in production vehicles).
Bondo, there's this Mel Francis out east that's an expert fiberglass designer and production expert that I lost track of.
I worked for him in El Rio/Oxnard California before he headed east. I lost his email. If anyone knows him or has a way of locating him let me know. I have a ton of fiberglass projects on the shelves and I need his help.
Bondo, I travel to east Texas (Austin, Dallas and Houston) on occassion. Maybe I'll pay U a visit since you're not too far from Dallas.
Does anyone have that drawing of a frog choking a snake that trying to gobble him up? The caption reads "Never give up!"
B carefull of snakes! (individuals that try to discourage U!)