Since I dont make much I use Craigslist to help supplement the income.
My dad has packrat tendencies and I mostly sell odds and ends to help clean the house.
(Its been great as I can almost access the sliding door
In the past year Ive noticed that a lot of people have gotten flakier and generally unpleasant.
I used to notice it more-so in the cars/auto parts section
but now no-shows are in other section like arts & craft & antiques.
I post my ads once every few days (per CL rules)
but sometimes my things still get flagged for no reason.
One day I got 5 calls about 4 items and no one even showed to look at it.
And to make matters worse, some of the sellers are rude or just plain clueless.
Sorry about the rant. I have had some good experiences but
Hawaii is supposed to be a happy place and I hate stupid people.