I was going to make a big announcement last weekend about a car purchase, but do to circumstances out of my control I have to wait till next week to get the car.
Not to disappoint here is what I've been up to instead.
That is a book shelf computer known as the MSI Wind 100 and I just so happened to pick it up off of newegg.com for 101 + 35 for 2 gigs of ram + 10 S&H not bad!
but oh man that tiny computer is ... well ginormous!!!
hmm time to dremel!
frankenpc getting gutted!!
now this looks a bit more like it!!!
little brother helped with the welding ( man is he sloppy :P )
There she is folks! the case cover and sliding hard drive / dvd drive tray were resized to fit as well.
Time for some grinding and paint

more to come!