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Old 10-06-2009, 04:32 PM   #18 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Ok, I've got lots to learn about this stuff so here's my first question:

How are you going to move the center axis of the cylinders? I think that I understand your idea fairly well. I understand that as long as the ends of all of the cylinders are alinged centrally with the total rotating "hub" (as long as the piston rods are connected to the hub) there is no mechanical advantage for the power pistons so that there is no rotation of the hub. Once you move the axis of the cylinders to one side or the other, you will create higher pressures in cylinders which move closer to the hub, which creates rotation in that direction. If you reversed the axis to the other side, it will effectively reverse the entire rotation. Is this right?

If so, how will you move the axis arm itself? Would hydraulic cylinders move it from one side to the other?
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